We came, we marched

Today thousands of men and women marched across six UK cities to advocate for better support for working parents.
It was a serious feat by the amazing Pregnant Then Screwed team and after some awesome rallying by some truly brilliant women including Caroline Lucas Helen Skelton Mother Pukka the energy was electric.
This morning Tim asked me what it was all about. I explained the five (VERY REASONABLE) demands (check them out here: https://www.marchofthemummies.com) which I feel really strongly about.
But more than that, today for me was about the recognition that our individual voices can come together to make things better. As I’ve got older I’ve realised that my voice matters and that I can make a difference.
I want Xav to feel like that from the get go.
I want him to know that his mum saw that things weren’t right and instead of just shrugging her shoulders and getting on with her life, she did something constructive to help the situation and that he can do the same.
Above all, I can’t be apathetic. I can’t take the chance that others will act so that when Xav and all our kids enter the world of work and if they decide to procreate, they’ll experience the same uphill battle, prohibitive conditions and expensive childcare that so many parents face now.
Here’s the thing: It’s not rocket science. It’s about encouraging businesses to be more human, so that their people can work better, smarter and ultimately everybody wins. What’s not to love about that?
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