Self belief

The Mumbelievables: Sophie Segal
It’s a real pleasure to interview Sophie Segal for the Mumbelievables series. Sophie and I got to know each other when she invited me to contribute to her upcoming Mindset Shift Summit at the end of January, a virtual event with an incredible line up of speakers to inspire and

“But mummy…I’m going to be so sad when you leave me.”
I still feel sick now. A couple of hours have passed since the door shut at the pre-school, with me on one side and my son on the other. As a metaphor that’s the most unnatural situation I can think of right now. I have a child who suffers separation

The Mumbelievables Interview #3: Sunita, founder of Lucky Things
This week I’m so happy to interview the force of positive energy that is Sunita, founder of Lucky Things Blog and the Lucky Things meetups. Confidence, career and wellbeing are just three things that Sunita loves to blog about over at Lucky Things. She knows life is full of ups and

The Mumbelievables interview #2: Aby Moore
I’m beyond thrilled to have Aby Moore as this week’s Mumbelievables interview. Aside from the fact that she’s a hugely inspirational and incredible woman, Aby has built a full-time income from her brilliant family lifestyle blog You Baby Me Mummy and has now chosen to support up-and-coming bloggers to make