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The image of little Omran, the beautiful boy sitting in an ambulance, shell-shocked and changed forever by the battle in Aleppo is burned into my consciousness. As a mummy I can’t help but fight my instinct to look away as it is just too excruciating to be real. It’s hurting

The other day I had a conversation with my mother-in-law that’s had a really profound and liberating effect on me, and I want to share it with you in the hope that it might do the same for you. We were just catching up about the blog and how it’s

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I still feel sick now. A couple of hours have passed since the door shut at the pre-school, with me on one side and my son on the other. As a metaphor that’s the most unnatural situation I can think of right now. I have a child who suffers separation


If you’re a mum who is thinking of going back to work or you’e already returned, then this is for you! This is the announcement we’ve been waiting to make…… In celebration of International Women’s Day, Donna and I have a very special launch offer for the first 250 people


Welcome back to The Mumbelievables! The series (and the blog in general!) took a bit of an unplanned and unexpected break for a few weeks while I whined about being a bit poorly, but it’s system resume now and I’m over the moon to feature the very beautiful and inspirational


At the weekend I bumped into a mum whose daughter used to go to Xav’s preschool. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, and we got chatting about the work I’m doing through Mumbelievable to support mums. One of the biggest privileges for me since starting all of this






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