BUILD-IN PAGE COMPOSER With Drag & Drop Action

This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview Ruth Kudzi, a business and confidence coach, speaker and blogger who specialises in working with mums who want to start up their own businesses tho give them a more flexible work/life balance. We share so much in common with our vision to

Time to stop comparing ourselves

Do you ever look at other women and wonder how they do it? Me too. All the time. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. I know it’s harmful and futile, but sometimes that vulnerability just creeps in, you know? I’ll give you an example. There’s a well-known parent blogger

Latest Posts From our blog

Hands up if you’re winning at the summer holiday juggle! Nope….me neither. Am loving the extra time together, obviously. And am also sending mega-gratitude vibes to Tim, my brilliant mum and MiL for stepping up and saving my sanity for a couple of days a week and at odd hours

Coming out of recovery after the kidney transplant

On Wednesday, it will be two years since Tim had a kidney transplant.  It seems impossible to me that so much time has passed. If you follow me on social media you may have seen that every few months I donate blood. I always post about it when I do,


This week I almost let something get to me. I found out that someone very close to me, who has been a real champion of what I’m doing actually has pretty different and scathing opinions about it which they’re liberally spreading when I’m not there. I’ve received hate before, but

A new future for Mumbelievable

Over the past year, I’ve spoken to hundreds of mums. We’re all different. But at times, it seems, we all have one thread in common; no matter who we are, where we come from or whether we work or don’t. We all experience times when life balance eludes us. When the






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