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Last year in the UK almost four million babies were born. That’s a lot of mums, with a lot of babies. So why the hell is it that at some point or another since we had our children we’ve felt alone? We’re all members of the biggest club in the

Before becoming a mummy I’d exercise three or four times a week. I did a mix of classes, the gym and swimming. During my pregnancy I took exercise very easy (pilates, swimming, walking) and post-­baby I was looking forward to being able to push myself again! However, there was no way

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Along with my eating disorder diagnosis, I was also told I was afflicted by the rather catchily-titled Acute Body Dysmorphic disorder. In a nutshell, what I saw when I looked at myself was distorted. Even at a bit under seven stone what I saw may as well have been morbidly


Mumbelievable is about helping mums to see and believe how incredible they are. These confidence cards are little high fives to remind you (or the person you buy them for!) that you’re an amazing human being. They’re a source of empowerment, encouragement and reassurance for you, designed to help you


Here it is. My public declaration. All this work I’ve been doing around confidence among mums has shocked and saddened me more than I was prepared for. But it’s also ignited a fire in me that has given me purpose. I can’t just do nothing when so many mums feel


So there it was, in the cold light of day. I couldn’t do ‘this’ on my own. I needed outside input to start my recovery from a debilitating eating disorder. I’d been ‘defeated’. But had I? In my mind up until the point I accepted I wasn’t getting very far very






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