NEWS: Return to Work with Confidence online course is HERE!
I’m very excited that my first online programme, Return to Work with Confidence which I’ve developed with my fabulous partner, Donna Hubbard, founder of Be Dynamic Coaching is now available to buy! Who is this course for? If you’re a mum due to go back to work after maternity leave, if you’re

The Mumbelievables #7: Becs Steele, Founder of B Well Nutrition
This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview the fabulous Becs Steele, founder of B Well Nutrition. She’s a woman on a mission to help mums increase energy and feel their best. Having suffered years of digestive issues, hormone imbalance, weight fluctuation and the emotional journey of baby loss, IVF,

“But mummy…I’m going to be so sad when you leave me.”
I still feel sick now. A couple of hours have passed since the door shut at the pre-school, with me on one side and my son on the other. As a metaphor that’s the most unnatural situation I can think of right now. I have a child who suffers separation

This is the announcement we’ve been waiting to make!
If you’re a mum who is thinking of going back to work or you’e already returned, then this is for you! This is the announcement we’ve been waiting to make…… In celebration of International Women’s Day, Donna and I have a very special launch offer for the first 250 people

The Mumbelievables #6: Ursula Brunetti, Founder of Mumdays
Welcome back to The Mumbelievables! The series (and the blog in general!) took a bit of an unplanned and unexpected break for a few weeks while I whined about being a bit poorly, but it’s system resume now and I’m over the moon to feature the very beautiful and inspirational

The playgroup life-savers
At the weekend I bumped into a mum whose daughter used to go to Xav’s preschool. We hadn’t seen each other in a while, and we got chatting about the work I’m doing through Mumbelievable to support mums. One of the biggest privileges for me since starting all of this

The Mumbelievables #5: Jo Howarth
A couple of weeks ago I put out a plea for help on my Facebook page to help me find amazing mums to interview for this series. Because sharing real stories of real mums is something that motivates and inspires us, right? The response was unreal and I’ve been humbled,

The Mumbelievables #4: Haanagh Smith
This week’s Mumbelievables interview is a very special one. Haanagh and Mike Smith are long-time friends of my husband Tim’s family, and when I began this series I had Haanagh in mind as someone I’d be honoured to feature one day. I’m so grateful to her for agreeing! I wanted

Mental wealth
You might know that recently I decided to open up about my eating disorder and mental health history by publishing a series of posts about my recovery. I was petrified of making myself so vulnerable, feeling sick and shaking as I wrote and my heart beat thumped in my temples

The Mumbelievables Interview #3: Sunita, founder of Lucky Things
This week I’m so happy to interview the force of positive energy that is Sunita, founder of Lucky Things Blog and the Lucky Things meetups. Confidence, career and wellbeing are just three things that Sunita loves to blog about over at Lucky Things. She knows life is full of ups and