NEW Guest interview series: The Mumbelievables

This is the month of launches! First event, first product and now first guest interview series.
The momentum right now is awesome and these truly are exciting times for Mumbelievable. I couldn’t do this without every single one of you and I’m so grateful.
A while ago I had the idea of curating a new guest series of interview posts called ‘The Mumbelievables’. Like The Incredibles, but for mums. To tell you the stories of amazing women – who are mothers – doing brilliant things and give you a snapshot into their lives. I’m so happy to be able to bring you this kind of amazing content and I hope you’ll find it truly inspiring!
I’ll interview a broad range of women from all walks of life in this series. I’ll ask them about themselves, about being a mum and about confidence. I hope there’ll be something in each interview we can all relate to and use to inspire us to live more fully, confidently and boldly.
Here’s the first….it’s a corker.
Sometimes in life you have the rare privilege of meeting someone so extraordinary, they change the way you see the world.
Katrina Melsome is one of those people.
I am lucky to be her friend. Katrina is 35 and had her second daughter around the same time as I had Xav. Our families shared some of the hellish colic struggles and sleeplessness that first summer.
Shortly after those newborn days were behind her, having known for a while that something wasn’t right, Katrina was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Since then, she has made every single second of every day count with her gorgeous family, creating precious memories and endless fun for her beautiful daughters and amazing husband. She’s relentlessly raised money for Breast Cancer Care, organising events and pushing herself to the limit with physical challenges. She tirelessly raises cancer awareness and writes honestly and with the most amazing courage about how she’s feeling (both physically and emotionally) so her friends and family are able to support her. She works both as a legal secretary and runs a fab cake business (My Lolly’s Cupcakes) too, on top of managing her joyous but hectic home life.
Quite frankly, Katrina astounds me.
The way she has used what has happened to her to create so much good in the world is a beautiful thing.
The way she shows us how it’s possible to make every day count, in amongst the need to continue doing normal things like running a home and working is something I admire so much.
The way she finds the strength to see the beauty in her life on the good days and the courage to let people help her on the not-so-good days is one of the things I love most about her.
This extraordinary woman can teach us so much about what is truly important. I hope you enjoy her interview.
Who are you? What makes you, you?
I’m many different people. A mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a work colleague, but I try to find time to just be Katrina, when I can! I think all my life experiences makes me who I am, having children, getting married, divorced, married again, being diagnosed with a terminal illness have all shaped me into who I am today.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words, what do you think those words would be?
I think if my husband were to sum me up in 5 words they’d be: strong, loving, creative, organised and caring.
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
My husband Gareth and my two girls Lauren and Abigail. My husband because he is my soul mate, best friend, personal comedian and my absolute rock through everything life throws at me. My girls because they are my world, my life and my reason for getting up in the morning. They make me realise that no matter how shit life gets, I made two perfect girls who will always need me and always love me. Even on my darkest days Abi’s infectious laugh can have me in stitches.
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
My home, where I feel safe, secure and loved; photographs of my family and friends so as my memory starts to fail me I can remember all those special moments through the pictures and my sense of humour, without which I don’t think I’d survive some days!
What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence is belief in yourself, that you are good enough and that you can achieve and do anything you set your mind to.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
I am a lot less selfish since becoming a mum. My stresses and priorities in life have certainly changed and I cherish the simpler things in life.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
We all doubt ourselves at times; it’s normal. But it’s ok to believe in yourself. You know what is best for you and you should trust yourself. It’s also ok to ask for help or advice though. Women should empower each other and look out for each other.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
That life can be cruel and life is certainly too short – grab it with both hands, enjoy it as much as you can, surround yourself with people who love you and make you happy. Be kind to each other.
And finally, where is your happy place?
Anywhere my children are. But if I had to pick specifically, it’d be tucked up in bed with them on a Sunday morning getting crumbs in the bed from breakfast and watching cartoons.
1 Comment
Beautiful article. Katrina I have know you almost all my life and you have been an inspiration. Nothing is ever too much you’ll do anything for anyone. I admire you through and through. Xxx