The Mumbelievables #6: Ursula Brunetti, Founder of Mumdays

Welcome back to The Mumbelievables! The series (and the blog in general!) took a bit of an unplanned and unexpected break for a few weeks while I whined about being a bit poorly, but it’s system resume now and I’m over the moon to feature the very beautiful and inspirational Ursula Brunetti this week.
Ursula and I met last year and instantly had our unusual name in common. I am a HUGE fan of what she’s doing with her brilliant gift venture, Mumdays and we share many of the same goals: to help mums see how incredible they are and to make them feel special. If you’re looking for a mother’s day gift for a special mum in your life, you need to check out Mumdays!
I’m Ursula and I’m mum to Louis and Lenea and founder of Mumdays. I set up the business to give mums the opportunity to be gifted something that they actually will want and appreciate – time off and TLC – two things I found myself and my friends craving in our lives as mothers. Motherhood is all about caring for and nurturing others and it’s a beautiful privilege but let’s not pretend it’s exhausting, lonely and challenging too.
My journey to motherhood has been an interesting one so far, I nearly died during childbirth and was very lucky to survive my PPH without losing my womb. It was a shocking beginning and something that has made me see motherhood through a certain lens. That I’m lucky to be alive and should make the most of every day with my children. I’ve been forever grateful that my twins were born well and healthy and that I’ve been blessed to be a mum. It’s a huge life change though and that transition can be a very steep learning curve at times. Having some time for you is vital to be able to recharge and approach motherhood with the energy and determination it requires. I really want to make mums feel special with mumdays and that is a huge motivator for me. There are so many incredible mums out there – just look at all the women on Mumbelievable – there are so many inspiring stories from other mums that it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that they all deserve to realise just how special they are.
Which is where I like to think my business comes in handy with experience gifts that give back that sanctuary – be it an at home massage or manicure or simply having someone take care of your cleaning and laundry, it all helps free your time.
Who are you? What makes you, you?
I think we’re always changing as we go through life so this question is hard to give a definitive answer to. A few things that never change are the fact I love chocolate, am a bit of romantic, I get a buzz from writing which I absolutely love doing, whether it’s creative writing, articles, blog posts or simply my diary and I always feel better after a walk by the sea.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words, what do you think those words would be?
That girl sure loves pink.
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
The most important people in my life are my family. Of course my children come top of the list! I would be lost without my family – they are the ones who understand me the most and always know how to make me laugh!
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
Health, nature and happiness are the three things which I think are the most important in life, but I think chocolate comes a close fourth! Honestly though, I think even when we feel low we have so much to be grateful for and happy about.
What does confidence mean to you?
Confidence for me is about owning your decisions and knowing that you have the power to make what you want out of life. It may sound cheesy but I do think you can become the change you want to see in the world.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
Now I’m a mum I feel so much more mortal. Not in a morbid way but I feel like life and its transient nature are so much more poignant and that in turn has made me feel more grateful, more passionate and more aware that every day counts. Before motherhood I felt less anchored and now I feel empowered by motherhood and trying to be the woman I want to be to inspire my children.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
We all have a negative running commentary inside but try not to listen. Instead list all the things you have done and do well and you’ll soon see you’re capable of much more than you give yourself credit for. We’ve all got imposter syndrome and you can be sure that no one is as critical of you as you are! So take comfort from that and realise that the rest of the world thinks you’re amazing, just the way you are (to quote Bridget Jones!)
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
That I was never really tired before I had children! Haha!
And finally, where is your happy place?
I’m always happy when my children are happy! And always when heading to the Isle of Wight to see my family and walking down Ryde pier, watching the town lights dance on the sea.
You can follow Ursula and Mumdays on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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