The Mumbelievables Interview #3: Sunita, founder of Lucky Things

This week I’m so happy to interview the force of positive energy that is Sunita, founder of Lucky Things Blog and the Lucky Things meetups.
Confidence, career and wellbeing are just three things that Sunita loves to blog about over at Lucky Things. She knows life is full of ups and downs and so enjoys sharing ideas on looking after yourself. Sunita has two little IVF girls, so feels pretty lucky to be a mummy (something she knew might never happen). Sunita loves getting people together so she started her networking events in 2016 – the Lucky Things Meet Ups.
With over 15 years in HR and people development she also runs the HR consultancy Collective Insight where she also enjoys coaching other bloggers and career-minded women. When she’s at home with her two girls, they’re probably having fun dancing at one of their lounge discos! This mama used to be a DJ and appeared on TOTP but nowadays it’s her three-year old who chooses the tunes! If she has time to herself she’s busy planning her next project or on the look out for a bargain to update her bright wardrobe. Sunita says she has loved appearing on the Mumbelievable series.
Who are you? What makes you, you?
I’m Sunita. The fact that I have “sun” in my name is pretty cool. My parents are from the beautiful island of Mauritius and I grew up just outside of London. My kaleidoscope career makes me me – from DJing to fashion to editorial to corporate life as an HR expert, speaker (I love to talk!) and now blogger.
Something else that makes me “me”? I enjoy celebrating “lucky things” – things that we feel grateful for. For me one of the biggest things is the fact that I actually get to experience the ups and downs of being a mummy. We went through an unpredictable IVF journey and feel very blessed we now have our two girls.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words,what do you think those words would be?
Calm, supportive, juggling, busy, resilient.
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
Three-year old Big Munch, 20 month old Toddler Munch and my husband Mr H. It’s a pretty tough question as I have lots of favourite people whether it’s my close family and my friends.
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
Being grateful – going through IVF and the whole fertility “Am I ever going to be a mummy, maybe this isn’t our path” makes you see things differently. Don’t get be wrong, I’m always trying to achieve different things but that experience keeps me grounded.
Music – Not just because I used to DJ but playing tunes we love to the girls and seeing them come up with crazy and cute dance moves is the best thing ever. I’m proud that Big Munch also asks for some disco music as well as Let It Go.
Wellbeing – Life is tough so we have to look out for ourselves. That’s why I talk about wellbeing a fair bit over at Lucky Things blog. Sadly we never know what’s around the corner. Seeing my husband deal with his illness and establishing a new lifestyle has been a real eye-opener.
What does confidence mean to you?
Courage, seeing failure in a positive light, giving things a go, remembering your talents and wearing outfits that make you feel good. I strongly feel that you have to focus on your own version of confidence. We all decide what this looks and feels like.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
Firstly I still can’t believe I’m a mum at times. I’m proud that I’m still a lot of the Sunita pre-mum and pre-fertility stuff. I’m still into my clothes, music, career and various creative projects. But motherhood had taught me lots too – or should I say my two daughters have taught me lots about life.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
Ask why you are doubting yourself? It’s good to look at the source of this so you can learn how to manage it. We all have that little annoying voice. No one is 100% confident. Is it you or someone else who’s triggered this self-doubt? Then think about what you want to do or be when you’re not doubting yourself. What steps can you take to get closer to this and zap this self-doubt? Don’t be hard on yourself if you take a bit of time to feel better about yourself. We’re only human.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
People behave a certain way for a number of reasons. Most importantly it may not be something to do with you. They may be battling something difficult behind the scenes. Everyone’s stories are complicated. So don’t make assumptions and learn to be more compassionate. I’ve learnt a lot about this over the past couple of years. Looking after our and others’ mental wellbeing is so important.
And finally, where is your happy place?
Probably a lounge disco with Mr H and our two girls. Music is really important to me. I knew something was up in the Summer of 2015 as I wasn’t listening to music that much. Turned out I had post-natal depression. Oh and another happy place – Berlin. Me and Mr H love it there. We always carry around lots of nice memories from our Berlin adventures.
Oh girls I have loved reading this! Now I’m totally star struck that you have been on TOTP, I mean, Holla at ya!!
Your confidence tips are little pearls of wisdom- love it.
We also share your love of Berlin- what a fantastic city. Can’t wait to go back.
Big love, L xx
I KNOW!!! I’ve loved learning about Sunita’s fascinating career and background too. What a fab interview, huh?! xxx