The Mumbelievables #7: Becs Steele, Founder of B Well Nutrition

This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview the fabulous Becs Steele, founder of B Well Nutrition. She’s a woman on a mission to help mums increase energy and feel their best.
Having suffered years of digestive issues, hormone imbalance, weight fluctuation and the emotional journey of baby loss, IVF, pregnancy and birth Becs retrained as a nutritional consultant and coach so she could not only increase her own energy and overcome her health and body issues but dedicate her career to helping others do the same. I love her words and wisdom about trusting life as it unfolds. Enjoy!
Hi, I’m Becs. I fundamentally changed through the process of becoming a mother, the journey I’d been through to get there and the toll it had taken on my body. I wasn’t listening to my body and what it needed and I became ill, which inspired me to retrain as a Nutritional Therapist as I knew there was so much that could be done through, food, lifestyle and nurturing oneself to help you feel better.
My husband carries a genetic condition; we’re lucky to have a daughter naturally who does not carry the gene but unfortunately we have lost a lot of babies and had failed IVF. This has made me more passionate about helping other mums and women, as I can empathise with the emotional ups and downs that all of this this brings.
My mission with B Well is to help Mums with young kids to reclaim and regain their body confidence and feel fabulous again. I can empathise with the struggles of feeling good when your body is against you, and feeling grumpy and tired which can make you snappy with the people you love most. We all deserve to be the best version of ourselves and I offer a free health and energy consultation for mums wanting to feel better, have more energy to cope with the demands of motherhood. I also have a free private Facebook group which mums can join for lots of information, advice and support to help them on the road to feeling their best.
Who are you? What makes you, you?
I have realised I am someone with a lot of resilience. I love developing as a person, changing the boundaries & goal posts of what is possible. I think we have so much untapped potential & I am still on journey to discovering that in myself.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words, what do you think those words would be?
Caring, sociable, loyal, resourceful and fun.
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
My husband, my daughter and…it’s so difficult to choose three! Family and friends too.
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
Eating to feel good and exercising to feel good. I know that these things nourish me and give me the energy and resources to carry on, to get through the tougher times and feel well in myself. Having adventures, mini or big, expanding and living life to the fullest.
What does confidence mean to you?
Being the best version of yourself that you can be and breaking through the fear to develop and evolve as a person.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
I know myself better, I feel more in tune to me, to others and don’t feel the need for approval all the time. But there has been a lot of guilt, confusion & overwhelm along the way.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
I think don’t judge yourself for doubting yourself, everyone doubts themselves but you don’t have to listen to those doubts and just keep moving on. Turn down the volume on the voice that doubts.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
You have to make things happen but not by applying pressure, by trusting that life unfolds the way it does. The harder things in life often have a lesson in there to make you stronger and develop. In a nutshell, life is uncontrollable but move with the tides and things expand.
And finally, where is your happy place?
Where I live we have a beautiful meadow that changes with the weather, the seasons. When I walk on the meadow, I feel at one with nature and it makes me feel alive!
You can join Becs’ brilliant and supportive private Facebook group, B Well & B Fabulous for free here.
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