The Mumbelievables #11: Ruth Kudzi

This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview Ruth Kudzi, a business and confidence coach, speaker and blogger who specialises in working with mums who want to start up their own businesses tho give them a more flexible work/life balance. We share so much in common with our vision to empower and support mums, and I’m so happy to introduce you to her.
Ruth has 12 years’ experience working in education and had been coaching for 6 years when she set up her own business and confidence coaching business in 2016 whilst pregnant with her second child and working full-time (HERO). She’s had the most amazing year since then and didn’t return to her old career after maternity. She now works flexibly around her children and helps other mums all over the world who want work that works to do exactly the same.
If you’re thinking about a career change or looking for business inspiration, look no further than Ruth’s rapidly-growing community of career change mums (links at the bottom of the interview). Enjoy! X
Who are you? What makes you, you?
I am Ruth Kudzi and I am a mum of two cheeky daughters. I have two businesses – my main one is a coaching business aimed solely at mums and the second is an educational consultancy and resource company which focuses on improving teenagers’ confidence.
If someone else was to sum you up in five words, what do you think those words would be?
Enthusiastic, compassionate, hard-working, fun, honest.
Who are the three most important people in your life, and why?
My other half, Christian – he supports me no matter what, he is kind, funny and is the best dad. My two daughters Jessica and Sophia, Jessica is like a mini Christian super intelligent, a deep thinker and sensitive but equally can be the life and soul of a party. Sophia is tiny but already is cheeky and sweet. It sounds soppy but they are my life.
What are the three most important things in your life and why?
My family, my health and my business. My family are what I wake up for and why I do everything that I do. My health is key as it means I can be around for my daughters. Finally my business(es) as they allow me to be creative and use my brain plus to live the lifestyle that I want.
What does confidence mean to you?
It means believing in myself and what I am doing.
How do you feel about yourself now compared to before you became a mum?
I now feel a lot more confident than I was before and a lot more sure of who I am as a person. This has been a process! When I first became a mum I felt really lost and I didn’t really feel like I had an identity anymore so this confidence has come from lots of work on myself.
What advice would you give to someone who doubts herself?
Start valuing yourself and invest time in yourself every single day – even something as simple as having a bath or speaking to a friend can make you feel good about yourself. Start doing things that you love and your confidence will grow.
What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life so far?
Treat others how you would like to be treated yourself, you aren’t better than anyone else. I am a huge fan of supporting others and love working with people who feel the same.
And finally, where is your happy place?
We go to this beautiful place in Ibiza which is away from the tourist trail. I love it as it is a really simple existence – yoga, the beach, fresh food, lovely weather. Although it maybe isn’t quite as peaceful with my two girls there!
To join Ruth’s ever-growing community of Career Change Mums, check out her website, join her brilliant Facebook group here: or follow her on Instagram
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