Coming soon: Feeling confident in the beauty and wellbeing products we buy (vlog series)
I’ve just found out that this week is the Soil Association Organic Beauty and Wellbeing week. So I thought now is a good time to let you know about a little project I’ve been working on as part of my mission to help mums feel more confident.
When Xav was born early and then Tim got really ill, I started looking at ways to reduce the chemicals we had in the house as it felt like something that Icould do to help them when I otherwise felt pretty helpless. Their health was and is so, so important to me and I wanted to know I was doing everything in my power to help their bodies to be as well as they could be.
I read that the average woman puts upwards of 800 (!) chemicals on her body every single day. I was HORRIFIED.
How can our bodies function normally and be healthy when they’re battling this all the time?
So I changed all the cleaning and laundry products we use in the house to non-toxic, natural and organic brands, and then moved onto Xav’s bath stuff and creams, and Tim’s shower products, deodorant and so on.
I’m now finally getting around to changing the products I use myself (good old mum self-neglect…) and have found some amazing alternatives for skincare, haircare and beauty.
Since I’ve found so many brilliant natural and organic brands through this journey of trying to reduce my family’s exposure to toxins, I thought I would create a vlog series to share the products with you.
Making these simple switches has made me feel infinitely more confident about my choices for my family. I know I’m doing the right thing by both my boys and their bodies, and that in making these changes I’m contributing to our health and future together.
I’ll be sharing the series with you very soon! X
Pictured: A selection of beautiful products by the fabulous Little Soap Company
1 Comment
[…] I’ve found some absolutely amazing products and so I thought I’d make a little vlog seri… to share what I’ve found to replace things like haircare, skincare, shower, beauty, cleaning and laundry products with ones that are going to do my family’s health good. […]