Mum life hacks

Vlog series: Au naturel – the big switch
Over the past few years (and a preemie baby and husband’s illness) I’ve been on a quest to ditch the tox and clean up our act in terms of the products that we use to clean our home and our bodies. I’ve found some absolutely amazing products and so I

Coming soon: Feeling confident in the beauty and wellbeing products we buy (vlog series)
I’ve just found out that this week is the Soil Association Organic Beauty and Wellbeing week. So I thought now is a good time to let you know about a little project I’ve been working on as part of my mission to help mums feel more confident. When Xav was

NEWS: Return to Work with Confidence online course is HERE!
I’m very excited that my first online programme, Return to Work with Confidence which I’ve developed with my fabulous partner, Donna Hubbard, founder of Be Dynamic Coaching is now available to buy! Who is this course for? If you’re a mum due to go back to work after maternity leave, if you’re

LAUNCH GIVEAWAY! Win a set of confidence cards
***LAUNCH GIVEAWAY – WIN ONE OF THREE SETS OF CONFIDENCE CARDS BY MUMBELIEVABLE*** The confidence cards are here and available to BUY NOW here! These confidence cards are little high fives to remind you that you’re an amazing human being. They’re a source of empowerment, encouragement and reassurance for you, designed

Bluestone: A fabulous week in pictures
Last week Tim, Xav and I were lucky enough to be invited for a break at Bluestone in Wales. We’d heard great things about it from friends who have gone there, so our expectations were high. Time off together is always very special for us, and whatever we do we

Mumsnet Blogfest: Sponsored by YOU
When Xav was born early and Tim’s illness started ramping up a bit I began to research alternative ways to keep my family as healthy as we could be. I looked into natural replacements for all the artificial and toxic products we use every day as a way to try

Why more companies need to take a leaf out of COOK’s book
I can’t remember when I first discovered COOK food. I’ve been a loyal customer of theirs for a long time. What I do remember though, is my reaction to being told about it. It’s a very simple concept, but one that – for me, anyway – is complete genius and

Mum life hacks: Chemical free cleaning – winner! Part two
This is a little bolt-on to the first vlog in this new series of Mum Life Hacks I posted a few weeks ago. I’ve been on a bit of a quest to replace the toxic chemical-laden products we use at home for cleaning (the house and ourselves) and stumbled across

Mum life hack #1: Chemical free cleaning – winner!
So here’s the first in my new series of ‘Mum Life Hacks’. In this part of the Mumbelievable site I want to share with you things that I find which might just make our lives that bit easier or better in some small way. (Read: more time for responsible drinking.)