
The unsaid #2: Motherhood and the confidence vacuum
They say hindsight is a wonderful thing. Becoming a mother has given my life a beautiful purpose. It has brought me more joy and gratitude than I could ever have imagined I’d experience. My son is my life’s single greatest triumph. He is also the single biggest challenge I’ve ever

I can’t even wee alone. How am I supposed to find time to exercise?
Kids make your pre-baby time management look like a joke. Fact. We need a plan girls. Here is a quick brain dump of things you could try that I’m doing at the moment (and I’m a work in progress as we all know) to try and get more fitness in

Surely I should be skinny by now? What to do when results aren’t happening
When you’ve been working out for weeks on end, going great guns with banishing the junk and sacrificing the beloved vino, you need to know it’s making a difference. But what if it isn’t? What if you’re nailing it, but your body isn’t responding yet? It’s super tough to stick

How to find the energy to exercise when you’re exhausted
For many of us, our only hope of getting some time to ourselves to exercise is in the evenings when the bedtime battle has been won. By this time of day though, you’ve probably already put in a 12 hour day (or 14 hours if you live with the 5am

Guest mama post: How I’ve found time for fitness as a new mum
Before becoming a mummy I’d exercise three or four times a week. I did a mix of classes, the gym and swimming. During my pregnancy I took exercise very easy (pilates, swimming, walking) and post-baby I was looking forward to being able to push myself again! However, there was no way

Five ways to fit fitness into any crazy busy mama day
Long gone are the days when we could plan our days and they would actually go pretty much like we’d imagined. I’ll bet we’ve all thought of ourselves as flexible in our past lives – at home, at work and with friends. But – correct me if I’m wrong –

Think taking time to exercise is selfish? Actually, it’s the opposite
At a toddler group this morning I was chatting to one of my gorgeous mama friends. She’s got a toddler and a six-month old. Let’s not sugar-coat it…every time I see her she looks exactly like she feels. (She won’t mind me saying that. It’s not a pretty sight.) She’s

Since when did exercise become this huge luxury?
Since we had children. Before I had Xav (BX, if you will) I was in the gym 4-5 times a week. Before work, after work, lunchtimes, weekends…it fitted comfortably around my job as a PR Manager. I didn’t see it as a luxury. I saw it as something I did

Strength, energy and patience? Yes please
If you’re a regular gym-goer, workout DVD Queen or runner, you’ll know how different you feel if you go a few days without the burn. Maybe (like me) before you had kids, fitness was a big part of your life and you’ve struggled to get it onto your mountainous to-do

Five reasons why you shouldn’t be trying to get your old body back
So many column inches are devoted to ‘helping mums get their bodies back’ after having a baby. But so many of these ‘helpful’ information campaigns and product offerings actually seem to be missing the point. When I became a mum, I thought – because I’d been conditioned that way –