The Mumbelievables

The Mumbelievables: Sophie Segal
It’s a real pleasure to interview Sophie Segal for the Mumbelievables series. Sophie and I got to know each other when she invited me to contribute to her upcoming Mindset Shift Summit at the end of January, a virtual event with an incredible line up of speakers to inspire and

The Mumbelievables: Sophie and Shelley of Hi, Mama
When secondary school friends Sophie Taylor and Shelley Lawrence set-up hi mama earlier this year and invited me to be part of the amazing virtual space they were creating, I knew I’d love to invite them onto the Mumbelievables interview series. They’ve created a strong, sisterly and uplifting space for

The Mumbelievables: Rachel Parsonage, MD of KMI Brands
Back in March at the Blogosphere cover reveal part I met the brilliant Noughty Haircare PR team over a chat about making the move towards more natural beauty and haircare products. It turns out that Rachel Parsonage, the MD of KMI Brands (the company that built the Noughty Haircare brand) is

The Mumbelievables #12: Rachel Daly of Mama’s Meals
I love this series. I started the Mumbelievables interviews to tell the stories of amazing women doing incredible things with their lives to empower and inspire us all, and every single one delivers in spades. It’s always fascinating to me to learn about the stories behind brands and businesses, and

The Mumbelievables #11: Ruth Kudzi
This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview Ruth Kudzi, a business and confidence coach, speaker and blogger who specialises in working with mums who want to start up their own businesses tho give them a more flexible work/life balance. We share so much in common with our vision to

The Mumbelievables #10: Grateful Mother
This week I’m over the moon to interview the brilliant Amy Bradshaw, founder of Grateful Mother and all-round inspirational human. Amy and I connected on the Mumbelievable Facebook page and I’m a huge fan of her work – particularly her passions for introducing children to the concepts of mindfulness and for

The Mumbelievables #9: Amy Stevens
This Mumbelievables interview is possibly my favourite yet. Not to take anything whatsoever away from the incredible women who have featured so far, but this one I guess is particularly close to my heart and carries such important messages around mental health and learning to build a healthy relationship with

The Mumbelievables #8: Mush Mums
It’s an absolute privilege to feature this week’s Mumbelievables guest. I’m a huge fan of the work she and her brilliant partner, Sarah Hesz are doing to tackle the epidemic of loneliness among mums, and this interview is packed with utter gems and inspiration. These girls are a force! Katie

The Mumbelievables #7: Becs Steele, Founder of B Well Nutrition
This week it’s an absolute pleasure to interview the fabulous Becs Steele, founder of B Well Nutrition. She’s a woman on a mission to help mums increase energy and feel their best. Having suffered years of digestive issues, hormone imbalance, weight fluctuation and the emotional journey of baby loss, IVF,

The Mumbelievables #6: Ursula Brunetti, Founder of Mumdays
Welcome back to The Mumbelievables! The series (and the blog in general!) took a bit of an unplanned and unexpected break for a few weeks while I whined about being a bit poorly, but it’s system resume now and I’m over the moon to feature the very beautiful and inspirational