How could your boss make the career/life juggle easier?

Last week I was invited to give the keynote speech at an NHS Return to Practice conference. It was thought-provoking and empowering to be in a room with brilliant professionals sharing a multitude of experiences of going back to work after a break to have children.
Sometimes, even when the logistics seem impossible and you have no idea how you’re going to balance everything, just knowing that you’re not alone can make it all seem just that little bit more achievable.
The opportunity to attend this kind of event and benefit from this kind of invaluable support, solidarity and insight at such a crucial time is one that I believe everyone should have access to. I and so many others did not, and it would have made so much difference.
As part of my mission to help a million mums to regain confidence and feel the way they deserve to about themselves, I’m working with companies to integrate these events into the return phase for employees so they go back feeling supported and heard. I’m also consulting with them to implement simple strategies and best practice so they can become a more desirable place to work.
This approach makes the situation work for everyone, and ensures that from the top down companies have a good grasp of the challenges parents face when combining their career with a family, which leads to greater empathy and better treatment. In turn, retention rates spike and performance goes up. It’s not rocket science, but it can be life-changing for parents and can improve profitability significantly.
What a perfect woman for the job. You have such a way about you that makes people feel you are on their side. Such a supportive girl. This sounds like a great project. I think a shortened day so I could get home to relieve childcare without stressing would have been a real benefit when I returned to work. Though, saying that, I worked for the Health Protection Agency and they really were fantastic when I returned to work. Good luck with this project, Ursula xx #CoolMumClub
So pleased to hear you had such a positive experience, Helen! And thank you so much for your brilliant and generous words of support. I think a flexible approach to working is such a huge part of it and when combined with an open-minded understanding of the emotional demands and of ways to leverage the skills and abilities that parenting gifts us with, that’s when the magic happens. Many of the companies I’m working with are asking for this stuff, which seems so simple but to consolidate it in this way will be pretty powerful, I think. Thanks so much for reading and for sharing your experiences! Much love to you Xxxx
Yes to this you are such a champion! I think offering real flexible working provisions such as working at home and flexible hours is up there at the top! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub my love xoxo
Thanks for such a gorgeous comment lady!! You’re so lovely. I couldn’t agree more. Beyond the flexible working piece there’s so much power in supporting employees as they grapple with both the emotional side and the logistics and it’s so refreshing to be working with forward-thinking companies to help them up their game. Exciting times! Thanks for reading Xxx