Having a baby shower? Try this…

Every now and again I like to showcase something a little different that could brighten up your day. Recently, I went to a baby shower for a friend and it was spectacular.
Their mother and sister had really spent a lot of time and effort to make it very special and wow, did they achieve that. From the moment you arrived and were given a glass of something a little fizzy (for some of us anyway) to the time we left it was magical.
Now one thing that caught my eye was the attention to detail of their decorations. It was very simple, yet very impactful and I had to tell you about it here. It was held at my friend’s mums house which had more space than her own, plus you can then afford to go a bit more lavish as you don’t have to hide anything from the mummy to be.
The lounge had been styled with some beautiful balloons filled with helium. Now since the gender of the baby is yet unknown, they had a selection of feather filled helium balloons, some with pink feathers and some with blue. And they looked marvellous!
It transformed the lounge from their home to a beautiful venue and really added that wow factor and said “baby shower”.
I had never thought about balloons like this before. Of course, we blow up our own for our sons birthday but these were a little extra special and didn’t leave you feeling feint after manually blowing up 25 balloons, rather you attach a bottle of helium and off they go. Easy, and a bit of fun too.
A simple search on helium balloons in Google will find a good provider in your area and look out for those companies that allow you to personalise them a bit more with your own wording and don’t forget to buy the helium!
I found this company (not an affiliate or anything) that looked fab as a specialist called Bubblegum Balloons. (nice name) – oh and why not send me any pictures on Instagram or Facebook if you have done the same!
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